Wimbledon: Some context!
Wimbledon first took place in 1877 making it the oldest tennis tournament in the world as well as the most prestigious. Sometimes referred to as The Championships, centre court celebrates its centenary anniversary this year in its current home at the All England Lawn Tennis and Croquet Club on Church Road in London. Wimbledon is one of four Grand Slam tennis tournaments and is the only tournament to be played on the traditional surface of grass. The tournament traditionally takes place across a period of two weeks in late June and early July and has become synonymous with British summertime.
Subculture –
Wimbledon is so iconic that it has developed its own subculture over the years including specific food and beverages to be consumed throughout the tournament as well as a particular fashion and style that is expected from spectators. Wimbledon is often attended by the highest ranks of British society including members of the royal family and the most famous celebrities.
Purple, White, & Green!
The Championships are recognisable by their iconic logo of two white tennis rackets on a backdrop of green encircled in a purple border. The dark green and dark purple are Wimbledon’s traditional colours whilst the players participating in the tournament are required to wear all white. Wimbledon village is decorated every year with the traditional colours as a sign of celebration as well as a way to welcome the somewhat 500,000 thousand visitors the tournament receives across the two weeks each year.

Stand Out from the Crowd!
The influx of visitors to Wimbledon village and surrounding areas is very exciting for local businesses. It’s a great opportunity to expand your audience – a great chance to stand out and get noticed. BloomsArt offer a range of synthetic floral installations that is guaranteed to make your shop front look extra special. Designs can incorporate the Wimbledon colours to match the theme as well as using traditionally English flowers that bloom in the summer. Or if you want to do something different BloomsArt can use any flower in any colour as they are not limited by the constraints of fresh flowers. We can even add tennis equipment to the design to really give your business that extra festive factor!
Take the Court with You…
Faux flowers and plants can be created in any shape or design whether you want a hanging greenery collection with tennis ballas suspended from within for a shop window or a vertical flower wall with neon writing for a restaurant, the options are infinite.